December Linkspiration

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all. December’s edition of Linkspiration is up! You can see some of the great articles that have popped up in my various feeds below here:

  1. From Sickness to Health: John the Wizard | Family Matters: In the first week of my parents’ visit, we played a game. Everyone around the table talked about a good memory they had. Martin Seligman, the founder of Positive Psychology, said that if we focus on 3 happy things that happened to us throughout the day, our happiness level will increase.
  2. Employee Happiness Matters, A lot.: A post titled “Why Happiness Doesn’t Matter” showed up on my radar this week. It’s the typical “happiness isn’t engagement” debate frequently used to stir up a reaction. But this article made me angry.
  3. Dealing With A Relationship Breakup? These Tips Could Help: Grief is one emotion that can hit you in many different ways. Grieving the loss of a family member or friend, grieving a future you thought you had. But grief can also hit you when it comes to your relationships, and it can be hard to ignore. Even though there is no physical loss, the feeling is there, and it can be all too consuming. An end to a relationship can be challenging, which is why I thought it would be worth sharing you these tips to help you through the tough time ahead.
  4. 8 Keys to Raising Optimistic Kids – One Time Through: What does it mean to be optimistic? Don’t we want our kids to have a realistic perspective on the struggles of life, while keeping their chins up?
  5. What is SEO?: Great article on my business bread and butter, Search Engine Optimisation, that anyone can understand. 
  6. Can’t Quit Your Bad Habits? You’re Doing It All Wrong: Let’s take a look at why the method of quitting is so important for your success rates – and how you can start changing your mindset.
  7. 7 Activities That Will Help You Find Inner Peace: If your mind is still, then you’re procrastinating. Or at least, that’s what it feels like. It feels like every time we slow down, even for a few moments, we’re just being lazy and that we should be out there, finishing chores, running errands, and being somehow more useful.
  8. Add More Meaning To Your Life With A New Career Direction: Do you ever feel as though your career is meaningless? Perhaps you struggle to get up and go to work in the morning because what’s the point?
  9. 6 Things To Remember When You Feel You Are Not Good Enough: Life is full of ups and downs, for all of us. It’s a fact of life that’s inescapable but, at its core, it all comes down to a matter of perspective. The way we view ourselves and our lives have such a dramatic impact on our lives, even if we don’t originally realise it.
  10. 7 Ways to feel happier even if you’re stuck at a desk: I spent a lot of time sitting at a desk in an office. And I mean a lot of time – 10+ hours a day in some jobs. In that time, on particularly bad days, So here are seven things I used to lift my mood. I hope they help you a little, too!
  11. FINDING ELLIE: LEGACY IN THE MAKING:Warning: this story has a happy ending! It started out like any ordinary trip to New Orleans; I was looking forward to excitement, relaxation, and a chance to take ten steps back and just watch the world go by.
  12. MEDS NEWS: Information and news regarding medical devices and drugs. Up-to-date information covering side effects, recalls, and warnings.
  13. Is Website Flipping Still Profitable in 2019?: Website flipping. It’s similar to flipping houses in real estate: you buy a website, improve its design & copy (just as you renovate a house to improve its appeal), and then sell it for profit.
  14. Focus: How To Do It Better & More Effectively: The focus is an attribute, much in need today, in an information overload environment! Focus permits you to solely concentrate on the things to be done, ignoring all the other aspects of the environment.

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